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As someone who has built a career around creativity, I understand the importance of being in a state of flow. Stress can hinder creativity and that state of flow, especially when deadlines and other responsibilities start piling up. It becomes challenging to find the mental and emotional relaxation needed for deep creative work.


That's why I find solace in taking breaks from my routine and escaping to wonderful, luxurious, and relaxing wellness retreats around the world. 


Please email me for more information, dates and locations are listed below. Each retreat is limited to 8 people.


Writers' Retreat

Cape Town, South Africa

4-10 July 2023


Fiction/biographical script/book develop


Writers' Retreat

Provence, France

21-28 October 2023


Fiction/biographical script/book Develop


Burnout Retreat

Burnout Recovery

Please contact me

for more information

and support


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